Why Business Automation Is The Next Big Thing - eCommerce Thesis

Why Business Automation Is The Next Big Thing

Have you ever thought that your time spent in redundant data handling tasks has reduced your productivity?

Because your eCommerce store will be operating 24 hours a day, it’s difficult for your staff to track every customer and order data in real-time. This could lead to the absence of data or mistakes during data transfer.

Is there a best way to get rid of it?

Of course, there’s! The data automation will be your reliable partner, which helps you simplify every aspect of your data management processes quickly and without any mistakes. Choose eCommerce ERP integration using the perfect integration platform that offers automated data synchronization and the proper care of your data.

Still unsure? Learn more about why data automation could be one of the following big things in B2B eCommerce.

4 Reasons For You To Automate Your Business Process

1. Streamlines order procurement

Nearly 48% of B2B decision-makers have already begun using automated processes for managing orders. A smooth order processing indirectly benefits your business in terms of providing an effortless customer experience.

Suppose you deal with massive amounts of order data. Automating data entry can save you from the lengthy and tiring procedure of entering data manually across all your systems. There is no need to worry about data entry errors. When you’ve got the help of an integration platform or a middleware solution, it is enough to input data in just one system, and your integration platform will automatically update data across all connected systems.

No matter how complex your order processing is, the automated integration platform will synchronize all complicated orders such as:

  • Orders placed off-line
  • Backorders
  • Standing orders
  • Quote request (and lots more!)

2. Error-free data management

The assurance that you will have error-free data management is the most significant advantage of online automation. Likely, you are already overwhelmed by large portions of data. In the face of such vast volumes of crucial data that require the hands of a human being to work on, mistakes are likely to occur. It’s impossible to keep track of the constant updating of data into ERP, eCommerce Marketplace, CRM, Marketplace, and other systems that you work with.

Since eCommerce automation manages all data updates, you don’t have to spend your time and energy on comprehensive data management. Automation also helps you avoid any errors that could occur. Highly efficient integration platforms can also detect errors that may have been made in the past data entries and inform you of any issues before they get out of hand.

3. No more friction in workflow

Without a centralized storage facility to manage data handling. These kinks in workflow could cause inaccurate customer information or incorrect shipping addresses and orders that are not traceable.

Through Integrations, data transfers and synchronization can be automated, thus keeping data coherence and consistency. By ensuring regular data changes, you get an all-encompassing source to gain access to data within a single click. Through data integration and the automation of business procedures, you’ll be able to eliminate silos. The streamlining of workflow eliminates operational gaps and improves connectivity.

Since you depend on various software applications to manage different processes such as order processing, sales, marketing, fulfillment, and shipping, you require an automated, centralized system that lets you efficiently manage these diverse functions.

4. All of the data in your data in real-time

Manually entering all of your data about customer follow-ups, inventory, shipping, etc. Automating this tedious data handling can save you lots of time and also reduce the chance of errors. The purpose of data automation can be achieved by attempting to reduce the necessity of manually pressing buttons to input all data and the entry of data in spreadsheets. An integration platform brings about real-time data sync that can populate all data you input to your integrated system, whether it’s CRM, ERP Marketplace, ERP, or another application.

As your business expands, making sure that data accuracy must be taken into consideration as a priority. You know what could happen if just one part of the data fails to meet your expectations. Thus, automation or bidirectional data synchronization are significant advantages to ensure precise data since you only have to input your data once, and the middleware will handle all the work.

How to Automatize eCommerce?

Find your gaps in business flow.

The most fundamental yet most vital step, but the most crucial. It’s crucial to look more deeply into how you manage your business. Your path to success is identifying your weaknesses and addressing them before they hinder your business.

Know the usually extensive jobs and look for an opportunity for automation. Consider the following questions:

  • Are there any business processes that are incredibly demanding?
  • Do you have any repeat or redundant jobs?
  • Do you need manual data handling?
  • Are you tired of manual data entry errors?
  • Do you have the processes for your order processing and inventory tracking smooth?

If you are constantly chuckling at these types of questions, it’s time to automate those business procedures to create a seamless process.

Have a clear picture of the elements you want to incorporate

Once you’ve identified your inefficiencies, you must decide which systems should be integrated.

Of course, there are a variety of systems to ensure that your eCommerce operations are seamless. It could be ERP software, CRM, PIM, or other popular software. You require a flawless integration for your eCommerce site with the various systems you utilize.

Suppose you connect them to the appropriate integration platform or a middleware solution that provides automation, the systems will. 

Communicate with one another without the need for manual intervention.

 If you have a good integration platform, you only have to input data within any of the systems, and it will automatically be changed in all of your integrated applications. Consider what you want to integrate and let iPaaS take care of your task.

Choose wisely when it comes to your automation solution.

There are a variety of integration platforms on the market. Choose the platform that comes with the most practical features to meet your requirements for eCommerce. Find out the advantages and disadvantages of each option offered about your integration needs. Also, look through their reviews and case studies to gain more information about their capabilities.

Find out how each of the features of these integration platforms will affect these areas:

  • Information on the product
  • Processing orders
  • Inventory data
  • Order fulfillment data
  • Customer information

Pick solutions with connectors that are pre-built. Automating your integrations is more straightforward if your system already has pre-designed connectors. Connectors that are pre-built will allow you to connect databases, top-of-the-line applications, and much more quickly through simple setup steps.

3 Success Stories of Automated eCommerce ERP Integration

Driving Growth with Data Integration

Growing your business can be thrilling but also taxing simultaneously. It is necessary to integrate new products, operations procedures, processes, and a variety of other functions of eCommerce to ensure growth.

C.W. Hayden C.W. Hayden, a renowned industrial safety, marine, and industrial manufacturer, wanted their products to be offered across multiple channels, eventually deciding to sell their products through 3M Marketplace. By integrating 3M Marketplace with their P21 ERP using DCKAP Integrator, our integration platform, they decided on an automated data sync, speeding up the order-to-cash process and order fulfillment process and their invoice process etc.

Advanced Operational Flexibility Through eCommerce Automation

Do you want to go through the tale of the success of running a highly efficient B2B eCommerce business by removing manual data entry? This is the story of Bosch Hydraulic, a leading Hydraulic hose fittings manufacturer who focused its attention on activities that bring in revenue instead of repetitive, lengthy data management duties.

Naturally, automation was their viable choice, and automation is the service we provide. DCKAP Cloras integration provided for bidirectional data sync of customers’ data and products and order details. Since they had to deal with thousands of products with an abundance of SKUs, DCKAP was integrated with Flexi prim the Product Information Management system to improve their product data management process.

Power Of Integrations For eCommerce Success

Being a full-line supplier of laboratory equipment, Midland Scientific was grappling with the issue of not having up-to-date data. Manual data handling took a long time, and they were looking for a method that would not just make data changes promptly but also improve flexibility.

Integrating key business uses DCKAP Integrator simplified the shopping experience for customers. Midland Scientific provided for their customers. Midland Scientific can now add new APIs rapidly and make adjustments more quickly because all data is automatically synchronized across crucial business applications. They can also look at the logs using Integrator and restart the sync in the case of an issue, which means there’s no reason for improper data management. DCKAP makes it possible to enhance workflow to improve productivity and expand the business.

DCKAP Integrator – Best-Serving ERP Integration Platform For B2B Distributors

DCKAP Integrator, which is specifically designed for distributors, is an integration platform that integrates eCommerce websites ERP CRM and other applications to facilitate efficient data transfer. It’s more than an integration solution for distributors. Significantly easing their eCommerce challenges Our integration solution has opened the way for growth in digital within a very competitive marketplace.

Our expert integration experts are ready to start your automation journey to realize the scale you’ve always envisioned. You can optimize your ERP eCommerce integration with us and deliver the best digital experience to your customers.

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