How to Change Divi Active Menu Item Colour on Scroll and Click - eCommerce Thesis

How to Change Divi Active Menu Item Colour on Scroll and Click

A well-designed navigation menu is vital for any website. It guides users through your content and helps them find what they’re looking for quickly. In Divi, a popular WordPress page builder, you can customize your navigation menu in various ways, including changing the color of the active menu item. This can enhance user experience by visually highlighting the section of your website a visitor is currently viewing (on scroll) or has clicked on. This guide explores different methods for Change the Divi Active Menu item color in Divi, catering to both beginners and users comfortable with a little coding. We’ll cover user-friendly options using Divi’s built-in features and delve into code-based approaches for more granular control.

Why Change the Active Menu Item Color?

There are several advantages to customizing the active menu item color in Divi:

  • Improved User Experience: Highlighting the active menu item visually indicates to users which section of your website they’re currently on (on scroll) or have interacted with (on click). This enhances navigation clarity and user experience.
  • Branding Consistency: Align your active menu item color with your brand’s color scheme for a cohesive aesthetic.
  • Increased Engagement: Using a contrasting color for the active menu item can draw user attention to different sections of your website, potentially leading to higher engagement.

Understanding Divi’s Structure

Before diving into specific methods, let’s explore Divi’s basic structure:

  • Themes: These define the overall look and layout of your website. Divi functions within a WordPress theme.
  • Modules: Divi uses modules to build various website elements like menus, buttons, text sections, etc. The navigation menu you want to customize is likely a “Menu” module within your Divi layout.
  • Theme Customizer: This built-in WordPress tool allows you to customize various aspects of your theme, including Divi settings.
  • Module Settings: Each Divi module has its own settings panel where you can configure its appearance and behavior.

Once you grasp these elements, choosing a method for changing your active menu item color becomes much easier.

Changing Active Menu Item Color: User-Friendly Options

Here are some beginner-friendly methods for changing your active menu item color without needing to touch any code:

  • Theme Customizer: Many Divi themes offer built-in options within the Theme Customizer to modify the active menu item color. Navigate to the “Theme Customizer” and explore settings related to “Navigation” or “Menu.” Look for options to define the “Active Link Color.”
  • Module Settings: Open the settings panel for your specific “Menu” module within the Divi layout builder. Search for options related to “Link Colors” or “Active Link Color.” Here you can define the color for the active menu item.


  • Easy to implement, no coding knowledge required.
  • User-friendly interface for customization.


  • Functionality might be limited depending on your chosen theme.
  • Might not offer the exact level of color customization you desire.

Changing Active Menu Item Color: Code-Based Methods (For Users Comfortable with Code)

For those comfortable with a little coding, editing the Divi module code allows for more precise control over the active menu item color on scroll and click. Here’s a simplified breakdown:

  1. Enable Divi Code View: Within the Divi layout builder, locate your “Menu” module and click on the “Advanced” tab. Enable the “Code” toggle to reveal the module’s code.
  2. Locate the Color Code: The code snippet might contain a line defining the “color” property for the active link state. You’ll likely find a hex code (e.g., #ff0000 for red) representing the current color.
  3. Modify the Color Code: Replace the existing hex code with your desired color code for the active link state. You can find various online resources to generate hex codes for specific colors.
  4. Conditional Statements (Optional, for Scroll Activation): To achieve an active menu item color change on scroll, you might need to implement conditional statements within the code. This requires a deeper understanding of CSS and JavaScript.


  • Offers the highest level of customization for the active menu item color.
  • Allows for defining color changes based on scroll position (optional).


  • Requires some coding knowledge and familiarity with Divi code editing.
  • Mistakes in code editing can potentially break your website’s functionality.

Important Note: Before making any code edits, it’s highly recommended to duplicate your Divi layout and work on the duplicate to avoid accidentally affecting your live website. Additionally, consider seeking help from a Divi developer if you’re unsure about code modifications.

Choosing the Right Method: It All Depends on Your Needs

The ideal method for changing your active menu item color depends on your technical comfort level and the desired level of customization:

  • For beginners: Explore theme customizer options or user-friendly settings within the Divi module for a quick and easy solution.
  • For users comfortable with some code: Consider editing the Divi module code for more control over the active menu item color and potentially achieving scroll-based activation.

Additional Considerations:

  • Mobile Responsiveness: Ensure your color changes for the active menu item display correctly and maintain a user-friendly experience on all devices, especially smartphones.
  • Color Contrast: Choose an active menu item color that provides sufficient contrast against your overall website background color for optimal readability. Tools like WebAIM Contrast Checker can help you verify color contrast ratios.

Example: Changing Active Menu Item Color Using Theme Customizer (if available)

Here’s a simplified example of how you might change the active menu item color using the Theme Customizer (availability depends on your theme):

  1. Navigate to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Go to “Appearance” and then “Customize.”
  3. Explore the theme’s customization options. Look for sections related to “Navigation” or “Menu.”
  4. If available, you might find an option to define the “Active Link Color.”
  5. Use the color picker to choose your desired color for the active menu item.
  6. Publish the changes to see the updated active menu item color on your website.

Remember: This is a simplified example, and the exact steps might vary depending on your specific theme.

Beyond Color: Additional Tips for Enhancing Your Divi Menu

While changing the active menu item color can be beneficial, consider these additional tips for creating a user-friendly and visually appealing Divi menu:

  • Clear and Concise Menu Labels: Ensure your menu labels are clear and concise, accurately reflecting the content of each linked page.
  • Font Choice and Size: Choose a font that complements your overall website design and is easy to read at a suitable size for all devices.
  • Dropdown Menus: For extensive menus, consider using dropdown menus to organize sub-categories without overwhelming users with too many options at once.
  • Hover Effects (Optional): Implement subtle hover effects on menu items to enhance user interaction and indicate clickable elements.

By implementing these strategies and choosing the method that best suits your needs, you can effectively customize the active menu item color in Divi, creating a visually engaging and user-friendly navigation experience for your website visitors.