How to Create Form in GoModern Website Page Builder - eCommerce Thesis

How to Create Form in GoModern Website Page Builder

Creating forms for your blog on GoModern Website Page Builder is a breeze, even if you have no coding experience. Forms allow visitors to interact with your website by providing information like their email address, feedback, or even submitting questions. This guide will walk you through the process of creating different types of forms on GoModern, making your blog website more engaging and user-friendly.

Why Use Forms on Your Blog?

Forms offer several benefits for your blog:

  • Grow Your Email List: Capture email addresses from interested readers to send newsletters, updates, or exclusive content.
  • Gather Feedback: Get valuable insights from your audience through surveys or polls to improve your blog’s content and direction.
  • Boost Engagement: Encourage interaction by letting readers ask questions or submit comments directly through forms.
  • Generate Leads: Collect contact information for potential clients or customers if your blog promotes a service or product.

By incorporating forms, you can build stronger connections with your readers and achieve your blogging goals more effectively.

Getting Started with GoModern

Before diving into form creation, ensure you have a GoModern account and an active website project. If you’re new to GoModern, their website offers a straightforward signup process and a free trial to explore their features.

Creating a Form in GoModern

GoModern offers two main approaches to creating forms: using pre-built templates or building one from scratch.

1. Using Pre-Built Form Templates:

This is the fastest and easiest way to get started. GoModern provides a library of pre-designed forms for various purposes, including:

  • Contact Forms: Collect basic visitor information like name, email, and message.
  • Subscription Forms: Capture email addresses for your newsletter list.
  • Event Registration Forms: Manage signups for events or webinars.
  • Feedback Forms: Gather reader opinions and suggestions.

Here’s how to create a form using a template:

  1. Log in to your GoModern account and access your website project.
  2. Click the “Add Section” button on the page where you want the form to appear.
  3. In the pop-up window, select the “Elements” tab.
  4. Scroll down and find the “Forms” category.
  5. You’ll see a variety of pre-designed form templates. Choose the one that best suits your needs.
  6. Click on the chosen template to add it to your page.

2. Building a Form from Scratch:

For more customization, you can build your form entirely from scratch. This method offers greater control over the form’s layout and functionality.

Here’s how to create a custom form:

  1. Follow steps 1 and 2 from the pre-built template method above.
  2. In the “Elements” tab, under the “Forms” category, choose the “Blank Form” option.
  3. This will add a basic form container to your page.
  4. Now, you can start adding different form elements like:
    • Text Fields: Capture visitor information like name, email address, or phone number.
    • Text Areas: Allow visitors to write longer messages or feedback.
    • Radio Buttons: Present multiple options for visitors to choose one answer.
    • Checkboxes: Allow visitors to select multiple options from a list.
    • Dropdowns: Provide a list of pre-defined choices for visitors to select.
  5. You can customize each element by clicking on it. This allows you to edit the label text, set required fields, and adjust formatting options.

Customizing Your Form

Once you’ve chosen a template or built your form, GoModern allows you to personalize its appearance and functionality:

  • Change Text and Labels: Edit the text displayed for each form element (e.g., labels, placeholder text, buttons).
  • Style the Form: Modify the form’s background color, font styles, button design, and spacing to match your blog’s overall theme.
  • Set Up Email Notifications: Configure GoModern to send you an email notification whenever someone submits the form. This keeps you updated on new leads or reader feedback.
  • Add Captcha Verification (Optional): Consider adding a Captcha verification to prevent spam submissions on your form.

Pro Tip: Keep your forms concise and focused on collecting the essential information you need. Too many form fields can overwhelm visitors and decrease submission rates.

Adding the Form to Your Blog Page

  1. Drag and drop the form element to the desired location on your blog page using your mouse.
  2. GoModern offers a visual editor, so you can see exactly how the form will appear to your visitors.
  3. Once positioned, click the “Save” button to publish the changes to your live website.

Testing Your Form

Before relying on your form to capture valuable information, it’s crucial to test it thoroughly:

  1. Preview your blog page to ensure the form appears correctly and all elements function as expected.
  2. Fill out the form yourself with test data to simulate the user experience.
  3. Check if you receive email notifications for successful form submissions (if you’ve enabled them).

By testing your form, you can identify and fix any potential issues before your visitors encounter them.

Additional Considerations for Advanced Users

GoModern offers features for experienced users who want even more control over their forms:

  • Conditional Logic: Show or hide specific form fields based on user selections in other fields. This creates a more dynamic form experience.
  • Custom Thank You Messages: Display a personalized message after successful form submission to acknowledge the visitor’s action.
  • Integration with Third-Party Services: Connect your forms with email marketing platforms or CRM tools to automate data management.

Exploring these advanced options can further enhance the functionality of your forms on Go Modern.

Creating forms in Go Modern Website Page Builder is an effortless process that empowers you to collect valuable information and engage with your blog audience. By following these steps and leveraging Go Modern’s user-friendly features, you can create effective forms that seamlessly integrate with your blog’s design and purpose.