How to Insert Breadcrumb Navigation on Shopify Store - eCommerce Thesis

How to Insert Breadcrumb Navigation on Shopify Store

If you’re looking to enhance the user experience on your Shopify store, adding breadcrumb navigation is an excellent strategy. Breadcrumb navigation is a type of secondary navigation scheme that reveals the user’s location in a website or Web application. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps on how to insert breadcrumb navigation on your Shopify store. This feature not only helps users understand their navigational context but also improves the overall accessibility of your store.

What is Breadcrumb Navigation?

Breadcrumb navigation is a small text path, often located at the top of a page, that helps users to see where they are within the site’s hierarchy. It allows them to easily navigate back to previous sections of the site. For example, a breadcrumb on a Shopify store might look like this: Home > Women’s Clothing > Dresses > Floral Dresses.

Benefits of Breadcrumb Navigation

  1. Improves Usability: Breadcrumbs reduce the number of actions a user must take to return to higher-level pages.
  2. Enhances User Experience: They make navigation within the website easier, which can improve the overall user experience.
  3. Boosts SEO: Breadcrumbs can also help search engines understand the structure of your website, potentially improving your SEO ranking.

How to Add Breadcrumb Navigation on Your Shopify Store

Inserting breadcrumb navigation in Shopify can be done in various ways, including modifying your theme’s code or using apps. Here’s a step-by-step guide to each method:

Method 1: Editing Your Theme’s Code

If you are comfortable with HTML, CSS, and Liquid (Shopify’s templating language), you can add breadcrumbs directly to your theme. Here’s how:

Step 1: Backup Your Theme

Before making any changes, it’s essential to back up your current theme to prevent any potential issues. You can do this by going to Online Store > Themes > Actions > Duplicate.

Step 2: Edit Your Theme Code

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Themes.
  2. Find the theme you want to edit, click Actions, and then Edit code.
  3. Locate the file where you want the breadcrumbs to appear, usually product.liquid or collection.liquid.
  4. Insert the following Liquid code snippet where you want the breadcrumbs to be displayed:


Copy code

Save the changes and check your site to see the breadcrumbs in action.

Method 2: Using Shopify Apps

If editing code isn’t for you, there are several apps available in the Shopify App Store that can help you add breadcrumbs to your store without coding:

  1. Smart Breadcrumbs: This app allows you to add SEO-friendly breadcrumb navigation to your store with customizable designs.
  2. Breadcrumbs All in One: Offers a simple solution for adding breadcrumbs and customizing their appearance.

To use an app, simply:

  • Choose an app from the Shopify App Store and install it.
  • Follow the app’s specific instructions to configure and customize your breadcrumbs.

Best Practices for Breadcrumb Navigation

When implementing breadcrumb navigation, keep these best practices in mind:

  • Keep It Simple: Breadcrumbs should be easy to understand and follow. Avoid using technical jargon or categories that might confuse users.
  • Consistency is Key: Use consistent naming conventions that match the titles of the pages they link to.
  • Design Clearly: Ensure the breadcrumbs are visually distinct from other text elements on your page. They should be easy to find without overwhelming the page design.
  • Use Breadcrumbs as a Secondary Navigation: Breadcrumbs should complement your main navigation, not replace it.

Additional Tips for Enhancing Breadcrumb Navigation on Your Shopify Store

After setting up breadcrumb navigation on your Shopify store, consider these additional tips to maximize the effectiveness of your breadcrumbs. These pointers will help you refine the user experience, making navigation seamless and intuitive for all visitors.

1. Integrate with Your Site’s Design

Ensure that your breadcrumb navigation seamlessly integrates with the overall design of your site. The font, color, and size of the breadcrumb links should align with your website’s theme. This consistency helps maintain a professional appearance and prevents the breadcrumbs from distracting from the content of your site.

2. Use Delimiters Wisely

Delimiters are the characters or graphics used to separate items in breadcrumb trails. Common delimiters include arrows (e.g., >), slashes (/), or chevrons (>>). Choose a delimiter that fits the minimalistic design and is visually clear to avoid any confusion about the navigation path.

3. Highlight the Current Page

Make sure the current page in the breadcrumb trail is clearly highlighted. This can be done by using a different color, font weight, or simply not making it a clickable link. Highlighting the current page helps users understand exactly where they are in the site hierarchy.

4. Optimize for Mobile Devices

As mobile shopping continues to grow, it’s essential to ensure that your breadcrumb navigation is optimized for mobile devices. This means they should be easy to read and clickable on smaller screens, without users having to zoom in or struggle to click a link accurately.

5. Avoid Breadcrumbs for Single-Level Pages

If a section of your website consists of a single level, adding breadcrumb navigation may be unnecessary and could clutter the interface. Breadcrumbs are most effective in multi-level sites where users benefit from the hierarchical structure they provide.

6. Test and Gather Feedback

Regularly test your breadcrumb navigation to ensure it functions as intended across all types of devices and browsers. Additionally, gather feedback from users about their experience with the breadcrumbs. This feedback can provide valuable insights into how you might improve their implementation.

7. Use Breadcrumbs for SEO

Breadcrumbs can also enhance your site’s SEO performance. Make sure to structure the breadcrumbs in a way that follows your site’s information architecture. Properly implemented breadcrumbs can make it easier for search engines to understand the structure of your site, potentially leading to better indexing and higher rankings.

8. Keep Breadcrumbs Updated

If you make changes to the structure of your Shopify store, update your breadcrumbs accordingly. Outdated breadcrumbs can lead to confusion and a poor user experience, as they may lead users to expect content that no longer exists or has been moved.

Implementing breadcrumb navigation on your Shopify store is a smart way to enhance navigation and improve user experience. Whether you choose to code them manually or use an app, breadcrumbs can provide a clearer understanding of your website’s structure, helping users navigate your site with ease. With the guidance provided in this tutorial, you are well-equipped to implement effective breadcrumb navigation in your Shopify store.