How to Hide Scrollbar With Scroll Enabled Using CSS - eCommerce Thesis

How to Hide Scrollbar With Scroll Enabled Using CSS

In the world of net layout, the arrival and functionality of a website are paramount. Sometimes, you may find yourself looking to tweak the advent of your web site to create a smoother, more polished user experience. One common adjustment is Hide Scrollbar With Scroll Enabled Using CSS while nevertheless permitting customers to scroll through content material. This guide will walk you through the system for attaining this effect through the use of CSS.

Understanding scrollbars and CSS

Before diving into the nitty-gritty of hiding scrollbars with CSS, it’s critical to understand the function of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) in internet layout. CSS permits builders to govern the presentation of HTML factors on a website, such as their format, colors, fonts, and more.

Scrollbars, however, are the graphical consumer interface factors that allow customers to scroll through content material that isn’t always completely visible within a box, which includes an internet page or a div detail.

Why hide scrollbars?

You may be surprised at why you’ll Hide Scrollbar With Scroll Enabled Using CSS if scrolling remains enabled. Here are some motives:


Sometimes, scrollbars can disrupt the visual attraction of an internet site or utility. Hiding them can create a purer appearance.


Different browsers may render scrollbars otherwise. Hiding them guarantees a steady user experience across systems.

Responsive Design:

In responsive net design, hiding scrollbars can help make certain that content material remains readable and reachable on diverse screen sizes.

Hiding the scrollbar with CSS

To conceal the scrollbar while nonetheless allowing scrolling capability, you could use the CSS overflow property together with different CSS guidelines. 

Here’s how you could do it:


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/* Select the element you want to hide the scrollbar for */

.element-class {

 /* Hide the scrollbar */

 overflow: hidden;

 /* Enable scrolling */

 overflow-y: scroll; /* For vertical scrollbar */

 /* overflow-x: scroll; */ /* For horizontal scrollbar */

 /* Set the height and width of the element */

 height: 300px; /* Adjust as needed */

 width: 100%; /* Adjust as needed */


In the above CSS code:

Element-elegance is the magnificence call of the HTML detail for which you want to cover the scrollbar.

Overflow: hidden; hides the scrollbar from view.

Overflow-y: scroll; enables vertical scrolling.

Overflow-x: scroll; may be used to allow horizontal scrolling if needed.

Adjust the peak and width of the houses consistent with your specific layout necessities.

Implementing the CSS Code

To enforce the CSS code, comply with those steps:

Identify the HTML detail(s) for which you need to cover the scrollbar.

Add a class characteristic to the HTML element(s) and assign it a significant call, inclusive of detail-class.

Apply the CSS policies provided above to the required elegance in your CSS record or within a <style> tag in your HTML report.

Testing and tweaking

After enforcing the CSS code, it’s essential to check its functionality across different browsers and gadgets to ensure compatibility. You may want to tweak the CSS properties based on your unique layout requirements and consumer remarks.

Additional Considerations

While hiding the scrollbar with CSS can enhance the visual enchantment of your website, it’s crucial to not forget accessibility and usefulness factors. Here are a few additional issues to keep in mind:


Ensure that customers with disabilities or those who use assistive technologies can nevertheless navigate your website efficiently. Hiding the scrollbar might also have an effect on their ability to scroll through content material through the use of keyboard commands or display readers. Test your website for accessibility gear and make vital modifications to ensure inclusivity.

User Experience: 

While a clean and minimalist layout is suitable, it is crucial to prioritize the user experience. Consider how hiding the scrollbar might affect the usability of your website. Users should be able to intuitively navigate through the content without encountering barriers or confusion.

Mobile Responsiveness: 

With the growing prevalence of cellular gadgets, it is crucial to make certain that your website is responsive across extraordinary display screen sizes and resolutions. Test the hidden scrollbar capability on cell gadgets to ensure seamless surfing for cellular customers.

Performance Optimization: 

Hiding the scrollbar using CSS alone won’t always be the most efficient solution, mainly for web sites with substantial content. Excessive use of CSS properties like overflow can impact web page loading times and universal overall performance. Consider alternative techniques or optimizations to reduce any negative effect on performance.

Alternative Techniques

In addition to hiding the scrollbar with CSS, there are different strategies you may explore to achieve comparable outcomes:

Custom Scrollbars:

Instead of hiding the scrollbar, you may customize its look using CSS and JavaScript libraries like PerfectScrollbar or SimpleBar. Custom scrollbars will let you keep scrolling while improving the visual aesthetics of your website.

JavaScript Solutions: 

JavaScript-primarily-based answers provide greater flexibility and control over scrollbar conduct. You can dynamically cover or show the scrollbar based totally on consumer interactions or specific conditions. However, remember the overall performance implications and ensure graceful degradation for customers with JavaScript disabled.


1. Removing the scrollbar while still allowing scrolling:

You can hide the scrollbar using the CSS property overflow: hidden; on the container element. This will remove the scrollbar but still allow scrolling.


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.container {

 overflow: hidden;

2. Hiding the scrollbar if not scrolling:

To hide the scrollbar when not scrolling, you can use the following CSS:


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.container {

 overflow-y: scroll; /* Always show scrollbar */


.container::-webkit-scrollbar {

 display: none; /* Hide scrollbar for Webkit (Chrome, Safari, Edge) */


.container {

 scrollbar-width: none; /* Hide scrollbar for Firefox */

3. Turning off the hidden scroll:

To revert the hiding of the scrollbar, you can simply remove or comment out the CSS properties applied for hiding the scrollbar.

4. Getting out of scroll mode:

If you want to disable scrolling altogether, you can use:


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.container {

 overflow: hidden; /* Disables scrolling */

5. Removing the scrollbar specifically in Firefox:

You can use the CSS property scrollbar-width: none; to remove the scrollbar in Firefox.


Copy code

.container {

 scrollbar-width: none; /* Hide scrollbar for Firefox */


These CSS techniques should help you achieve the desired effects related to scrollbar manipulation in web design. Make sure to apply them to the appropriate container elements in your HTML structure. Hiding the scrollbar while maintaining scrolling capability enabled is a treasured approach for refining the design and consumer enjoyment of your internet s