How to Make eCommerce Website Trustworthy - eCommerce Thesis

How to Make eCommerce Website Trustworthy

A trustworthy website is definitely can make quick sells of products. That is very important for new online businesses. In this tutorial, I am going to cover how you can make your eCommerce website more trustworthy at customers.

According to, there are 1.92 billion people shopping online. Trust is definitely a big issue for the eCommerce business. If you can make your website trustworthy from the beginning of starting your online business then you can make quick sells and it helps you to make your business a brand.

Why customer doesn’t buy from website Even have the best product. There are many reasons but the most important reason is hacking credit cards.

Commercial transactions conducted electronically on the Internet. To purchase anything online customer need to use a credit card. That means giving information that can be hacked. There are enormous fake websites abound with what looks like a payment gateway and they are waiting for someone to put their info in.

There is a hacker attack every 39 seconds.

(Source: Security magazine)

Imagine you are visiting a new eCommerce website for the very first time but you are not feeling comfortable to browse this website.

This website interface not user-friendly. No easy navigation. Not enough information about the products and the company. No reviews. Missing Green PadLock etc. Will you be interested to purchase from this website and share your credit card information?

Definitely NO. This is not hard for you to overcome the gap in trust to instill confidence in potential customers. Every new entrepreneur likes you have to face this problem.

Here are the most effective ways for how to make your website more trustworthy.

Customer Friendly Website Design

Think of your eCommerce site as the face of your business. It’s the first thing people see when they search for your business and your brand. If your website’s design is outdated and not up to par, it could mean losing potential customers. In addition to the look of your website, navigation and usability are key.

With roughly 5 seconds to capture their attention, if a consumer lands on your website and has a hard time finding what they are searching for, they will bounce and head directly to a competitor’s site.

It goes without saying that a website that looks poor will be received poorly. Sloppy layouts, blatant errors and functionality issues are all red flags to consumers that could keep them from completing a transaction.

As an eCommerce firm, it’s important to put in the effort and invest in a site that’s not only built to be appealing and user-friendly but also that loads quickly and that doesn’t go offline constantly. In addition to leaving a great impression with customers, a great site without glitches and issues can also highlight the quality of your products or services to visitors who land there.

Consumers are already being overly cautious about the businesses they choose to shop and provide financial data to, losing their trust before they’ve had a chance to even add items to their shopping cart can be detrimental to business.

Make a good first impression

Confidence starts by making a good first impression. In the age of mobile, this means making sure the website looks good across all device sizes, ”Alex explained. “It should be fast, with easily absorbable content, inspirational images and easy navigation.”

Next, the website needs to display your client’s products in an informative way. This means clear images from multiple angles (more on that below) and product descriptions that outline everything the customer wants to know, including product, care, delivery, return, and guarantee information.

Of course the site needs to be fast. Web performance is a hot topic right now, and if your client’s site is slower than Amazon’s, it will affect their credibility.

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Use trust signals

If your client’s business is not a household name, then one of your biggest challenges is the fear of visitors buying from a small business, advises Danny Richman, an SEO consultant and trainer.

“Use third-party reviews (e.g. TrustPilot and FIFO), security seals, free returns and clear trust signals as an actual location on your contact page to reduce the proposed risk,” he advises. Even adding a picture of the client or their team on the ‘About Us’ page can give some extra reassurance. “

Also, use subconscious trust signals like well written copy and high quality images. “Visitors instinctively know that a dishonest company is unlikely to invest in good design Danny explained. Once a client knows they have a product that people want at the price they are willing to pay they should invest as much as they can to create the best possible online experience.”

Alex O’Burn adds that humans are social animals that believe in the opinions of others and suggest social reviews like customer reviews and recent press to convince viewers of the value of the business.

Finally, with more transparent designers (including features of stock photos and calf for content), we are more likely to believe them to be legitimate.

Show the product

Find Amanda Loftis, digital content creator, copywriter and graphic designer, relying on compelling visuals to help people drive their shopping.

No matter what you’re selling, beautiful photos help build trust and credibility, he notes, and advises you to really focus on your efforts to make your client’s products look great. Since online shoppers may not have the option to personally experience your product, it’s very important to draw picture of their good products.

Even if you don’t have the resources to set up an extensive photoshoot to showcase your client’s products, Amanda at least recommends keeping product photos clean, crisp, and well-illuminated. Bonus points for light stylized shots of products next to a plant or other beautiful prop.

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