Video Marketing For Small Businesses - eCommerce Thesis

Video Marketing For Small Businesses

Video marketing means using videos for promoting and telling people about your product or service. If a photo is worth a thousand words, how much is the video worth? This is the foundation of video marketing, a forward-looking marketing strategy that integrates the videos involved in your marketing campaign.

Video marketing can be used for everything from building customer relationships to promoting your brand, service, or product. In addition, video marketing can serve as a means of presenting customer testimonials, live-stream events, and providing viral (entertainment) content

How video marketing works

In a nutshell, the process of video marketing is very simple: your brand creates videos that, in one way or another, promote your company, drive sales, raise awareness about your product or service, or engage your customers. In practice, it’s a little more complicated. Like many of your marketing efforts, video marketing is data-driven, so you want to monitor different metrics and track customer engagement.

To develop your video marketing strategy, you’ll want to

Allocate resources.

You need to set some budget for the video – at least, the right tools, good editing software, and a video marketing guru (or, better yet, team) – as well as the time to create it.

Tell your story.

Storytelling wasn’t as important as it was in the video, so think about it: what stories do you want to tell? How do you tell them?


Just telling your story is not enough; You must engage your audience when you do that. How do you make your stories interesting? What will attract your audience?

Keep it small.

There is no set length for marketing videos (although there are recommendations), but the general rule is that shorter is better. Be ruthless with your edits. Cut, cut, cut everything external. The attention span is short, so make the most of what you get.


Publish your videos remotely-embed on your website, uploaded to Google-owned YouTube, and across all your social media channels. Then, preach, preach, preach.


Track metrics and statistics, to determine which videos work best – and why.

Examples of video marketing

Video marketing is all over the internet. Look no further than your favorite brand, your Facebook, your YouTube homepage, and there it is: successful video marketing that has found its way into your eyes.

Want to see some of the best videos in action? Check out this list of enjoyable video marketing campaigns from Hubspot, 10 great examples from Forbes, or these 17 great examples from Big Commerce.

The benefits of video marketing

The benefits of video marketing are many. Let’s start with it easily.

Video helps you connect with your audience. Today, a company’s marketing efforts are designed to help build a lot of trusts. Video is the bridge that you actually connect to what you say, allowing customers to see behind the scenes and learn about your brand.

Video is a gold mine of SEO. helping to build backlinks to your site, increasing likes and shares (which can affect search rankings), and driving traffic to your site. And let’s not forget that YouTube is owned by Google, so don’t forget to post your videos on YT and tag, tag, tag with keywords/keyphrases!

Increases the ability to hold video information. If your customers only hear something, they can retain about 10% of that information after three days; Conversely, if what they hear is accompanied by a relevant image, they will retain an average of 65% of that information after three days.

In 2021, video content will account for approximately 78% of all online traffic. Your customers like videos. Customers also like videos, which means good video marketing can attract new audiences.

Email subject lines that include the word “video” show a 19% increase in open rate and a 65% increase in click-through.

Four times more customers will like to watch a product video than read a product description.

Do you like the money? Then consider this After watching a video, customers are 70-85% more likely to make a purchase.

The Challenges of Video Marketing

At one time, the cost for video marketing was a serious challenge: the cost of using online video, from the perspective of the equipment, editing software, and the end-user.

Today, those challenges are mostly in the rearview mirror. Yes, you still need some budget – good equipment, editing software, and a delivery platform much more affordable than before, but they are not free – and you need a marketing team with a video experience, but these are all insurmountable obstacles.

In fact, the biggest challenge of video marketing in 2021 is strategic: how to create a strong and effective video marketing strategy, how to create content that people want to use, and how to create interesting videos that are shared. In addition, video content marketers need to have a strong understanding of the metrics and how they point to the areas of success and improvement of a video.

The best practice for video marketing

From these challenges, grow the best practices in video marketing. And it all comes down to strategy: if you want to get the results of your video marketing, you must plan, test, analyze and re-test. Yes, the goal of your video is to tell a story and engage your customers but from a marketing standpoint, your videos must be consistent with your sales funnel. What is the purpose of each video? Who is the audience? How does video advance your marketing goals?

The bottom line is, overall strategy and data will drive your video marketing strategy. First, plan a solid strategy for developing videos (s) for each level of your sales funnel. Outline the content and goals of each individual video. Determine which metrics will best determine the success of a video. Then, test. Analyze. Change your videos (and their deployment) if necessary. Work to make them more effective. And no matter what you do, make a video; 2017 and beyond, this is the foundation of your brand’s marketing efforts.

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