Why Website Audit is essential for eCommerce Business. Don't Ignore it

Why Website Audit is essential for eCommerce Business. Don’t Ignore it

Website audit helps you to know everything about business but it’s doesn’t mean to audit your business it audit your website. Website is the mirror of your eCommerce business.

eCommerce business is not a kids game. This is the creator of your financial independence. No one wants to be unsuccessful after investing a lot of money, time and hard work. if you don’t know about your website how it performing and competing with you other then you never see more sales coming into your website.

It’s nothing more then wast of money and time if you don’t audit your website before launch. eCommerce Thesis suggest you audit your website regularly and before start paid marketing


Website audit is a full analysis of all the factors that affect website’s visibility in search engines. This standard method gives a complete insight into any website, overall traffic and individual pages. Website audit is completed solely for marketing purposes. Wikipedia

I this tutorial, I will cover everything about Website Audit and why is it necessary for your business?


1# What is website audit?

When I start writing this tutorial I see on Google that many people search about *What does it mean to audit a website?* A website audit is a complete analysis of all the factors that describe your site’s visibility in search engines.

A website audit is an online base technical process that analysis of everything related to your website’s performance.

A complete and detailed web audit will give you a deeper understanding as to why it’s doesn’t rank and how you can improve your site to defeat your business competitor and rank in the search engine on the first page.

This can include, but is not necessarily limited to:

Site Speed
Site Security
Indexed pages
Page errors
Bounce Rate
Social Signals
Customers Location
Competitor Website
Google Penalty and Recovery
Site Responsiveness to Devices


Site Speed

Page speed is a measurement of how fast the content on your page loads. Website Speed is a very important matter for online business. 79% of web buyer who has trouble with web site performance say they won’t return to the site to buy again. If your website takes a long time to load, this can have adverse effects on the user experience, site traffic, and SEO.

Websites that are optimized for performance have an advantage over slow websites. if your site loads in 2.9 seconds, it is faster than approximately 50% of the web. if your site loads in 1.7 seconds, it is faster than approximately 75% of the web. if your site loads in 0.8 seconds, it is faster than approximately 94% of the web.

You can check your website speed from Google PageSpeed Insights Its analyzes the content of a web page then generates suggestions to make that page faster.


Site Security

Website security is a critical component to protect and secure websites and servers. Cyber-security represents maybe the most important eCommerce feature. Without the existence and implementation of proper protocols, online store owners put themselves and also their customers at risk for payment fraud.

Search in Google, you get a lot of free online services to check your website Security. Sucuri SiteCheck is one of them.


Indexed pages

Customer doesn’t know your business and product. They search for Google to buy products or services. When a customer finds your page product, page or website on search engine search results is called indexing.

Website Audit help you to know about your new pages or post indexed or not indexed in the search engine


Page errors

When a visitor or search engine bot come to view a page on your site not available or it’s inaccessible that called page error. The most common page error is 404 Not Found, which is usually caused by the page being deleted or the URL being renamed. Page error increases the bounce rate. ( The amount much time visitor stay in your website )

It is better to keep your website bounce rate low. For eCommerce website 41% to 55% is ok. 56% to 70% is higher than the average.



Metadata is a set of main key of data that describes the important information about the product. It impresses a customer or visitor to know more about your product. Metadata is created as a micro-communications between website site and search engines. Product Metadata is very important for eCommerce website ranking. Auditing website help you to know about Metadata.



Backlink is a link that one website gets from another website. When a website links to any other page, it’s called a backlink.

For example, Think Someone written a review about a product on her website that you sell from your website. Then he writes that “you can buy this product from this website” This website means your website and shared your website link on her post. Amazon has 2,340,000,000  backlinks right now


Bounce Rate

To make easy to understand Bounce rate is a time of visitor on your website or page. It means how much time a user stays on your website. High bounce rate is bad and a low rate is good for your website. Bad user experiences design and the low-speed website is the main reason High bounce rate


Social Signals

How much performance do your website on social media sites that filter out to the various search engines. Social signals are the likes, shares, votes, pins, or views people place on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or other social media.

Social Signals is very important mater for eCommerce business and increase sells. Ecommerce Statistics on Social Media say that 84% Of online shoppers in the United States review at least one social media site before making a purchase.


Customers Location

To get a better result in marketing knowing customers location is important. Smart marketer always deeply analyze customers location before making a business plan. Website Audit helps you to know how much traffic coming on your website from where. Using this data you can do a better plan for your next campaign.


Competitor Website

It’s almost hard to succeed in the online business if you can not defeat your Competitor Website. By auditing your website you can know everything about your competitor website. Then you can compare your website and find out a weak and strong side. It easy to make an actionable plan to defeat your Competitor.


Google Penalty and Recovery

No one wants to get a Google Penalty. It’s can make any business or website quickly down. Website audit helps you to know is there any Google penalty on your website. Then you can take action to recover. If you see any Google penalty on your website that you should start work recover from it asap.


Site Responsiveness to Devices

A responsive website makes web pages render well on a variety of devices and window or screen sizes.

WARC estimates that around 2 billion people currently access the internet via only their smartphone, which equates to 51 percent of the global base of 3.9 mobile users. If you don’t want to lost customer then your website must be 100% responsive.

Is your website responsive?
Check Here: Mobile-Friendly Test – Google Search Console


Website Audit Benefit

A website audit is very important for eCommerce Business. I always suggest auditing website when before making a marketing or SEO plan because a website audit is an integral part of running a business successfully online. Improve your domain’s ranking in search results for more traffic.  Save thousands of dollars in marketing, online advertising, and lost sales. Create a strategic SEO plan that supports your business goals.

The entrepreneur becomes more profitable through regular website audits. It analyzes the website’s keywords, ranking them against competitors for popularity. Auditing website help to know how successful competitors are attracting visitors and making more sells. So it’s easy to take up similar keywords and tactics relevant to the business. Audits help you make sure your site is always up to date and Stay on Top.

When and How Often Should You Conduct a Website Audit for Successful Business?

There isn’t any specific rule. You can audit as often as you can. But before doing any work you must have an objective. Some Marketer or SEO expert suggest once or twice a year. Some say audit once per quarter is a good rule of thumb.

eCommerce Thesis recommend is that audit your website every month.

I strictly suggest to audit your website before launch and start marketing campaign also once per month.

Is there any Digital Marketing Company who provide Free Website SEO Audit Services that you recommend?

Yes, Mountain Marketing is best. They provide deep audit reports.
Mountain Marketing Digital Marketing Agency founded and located in Denver, Colorado.

Visit Mountain Marketing

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